Logo for Tectonic Engineering


Tectonic’s Telecommunications Division has over 37 years of experience providing site acquisition, engineering, design, permitting, and construction services for new wireless deployments, equipment upgrades and network switch design. We have provided services to the nation’s leading tower companies, carriers, and program managers on more than 100,000 sites throughout the United States. We have also performed NEPA/SHPO, and Phase I, II & III environmental studies, and photo-simulation for both new and modified towers. Tectonic has been ranked on the Engineering News Record (ENR)’s list of the top firms nationwide since 2001. We work closely with municipalities to integrate fine lines of communication.


  • Site Acquisition
  • A/E Services
  • Construction Services
  • DAS / Small Cell
  • Tower / Mount Analysis
  • Network & CRAN Facilities
  • Water Utilities / Rooftop Management


Antonio Gualtieri, P.E.
Executive Vice President Engineering Nationwide
Edward Frawley
Executive Vice President Site Acquisition & Deployment Nationwide
Edward F. Martella, P.E.
Vice President Professional Services Nationwide


Turnkey services for deployments and implementation including site acquisition, A/E, and construction management.
Long term revenue programs for leasing space on water tanks and other real estate holdings to the telecommunication industry.
Network Facility Switch Design on new facilities, expansions, and upgrades.
Enhanced and extended localized wireless coverage. Seamless voice and data signals for users within a structure.
Broadband Infrastructure Deployment and Expansion Services


Special Inspection Feedback Form

Special Inspection Feedback Form


1 = Not reliable and 10 = Very reliable
1 = Not well and 10 = Extremely well
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Extremely Satisfied
1 = Not satisfied and 10 = Very satisfied


1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


(Please fill only if you answered "Yes" in the previous question)

Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


Your name
The company you're working with
A contact phone number if you would like to be contacted (In this format XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Feel free to express your views of TECTONIC service.

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