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Wireless Infrastructure Environmental Support Services

Tectonic has worked with multiple telecommunications service providers throughout the United States offering environmental compliance support services.  Services included preliminary research, consultations, project-specific field studies and regulatory permitting. Recent projects include:

  • Verizon Wireless Phase I / II ESAs, ACM/LBP, NEPA, Various Locations in Northeast, Mid- Atlantic, Midwest, & South – These projects involved the construction and collocation of wireless communication towers and antennae. Responsibilities include performing and reviewing Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Phase II ESA, reviews of historic records and government database records, Environmental Data Report (EDR) review, and report preparation. Further responsibilities include reviews of LBP and ACM test results, Limited Site Assessments, completion of a NEPA Checklist Report and Section 106 Consultation.
  • Crown Castle, NEPA and Section 106 Reviews, Northwestern, US – Tectonic performed NEPA and Section 106 Reviews, including tribal consultation for cellular collocation installations to existing telecommunications towers. These services were performed in Montana, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
  • Delaware County Emergency Radio Communication Center, Environmental Review Services – Tectonic provided Environmental Review and Due Diligence Services involving the construction, rehabilitation, modification, and expansion of the Delaware County Emergency Radio Communications System at multiple locations within Delaware County. These services were performed in accordance with applicable state and federal laws in addition to regulation pertaining to the protection of environmental and historic resources. These services included the completion of Section 106 Consultation, Visual EAF Addendum and Visual Resource Assessment, Long Environmental Assessment Form, V Homeland Security (FEMA) Form 024-0-1, Phase I ESA, Phase I A/B Archaeological Investigations, Vegetation and Wildlife Report and Species-Specific Wildlife Investigations.
  • Verizon Wireless, NEPA Review, Clarksville, NY – This project involved the construction of a raw land telecommunications tower. Tectonic conducted a Phase IA background and literature search which identified a small pre-contact site.  Project redesign accomplished archaeological site preservation while allowing the project to move forward and complete a full NEPA.
  • Verizon Wireless, NEPA Review. Virgil, Los Angeles, CA – This project involved the collocation of telecommunications antennae to a National Register Listed building. Tectonic provided an architectural historian review, SHPO approval, tribal consolation, and prepared the final NEPA report.
  • Crown Castle, Section 106 Review, Lake St. Clair, WA – This project involved the collocation of telecommunications antennae to an existing telecommunications monopole with a Section 106 consultation and final report production.
  • Radio Communications of Virginia, Phase I ESA and NEPA Review, Lancaster, VA – This project involved the construction of a raw land telecommunications tower. Tectonic conducted a Phase I ESA, SHPO and tribal consultation, Phase I Archaeological Survey, species review and the completion of a full NEPA report.
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