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Wireless Carrier Equipment Replacement Project, Amtrak, North River Tunnel and East River Tunnel

Tectonic provided design and construction-phase consultation services for replacing wireless carrier equipment connecting sub stations from North Bergen, NJ to Sunnyside, NYC (Queens, NY) by replacing old City cell to Prism Remotes at substations located at North Bergen and Weehawken in NJ, 11th Ave, Penn Station, 1st Ave, LIC shaft, and the Sunnyside Yard Equipment shelter.

The project includes wireless radio communication systems that enable train operators to communicate with Amtrak and NJ TRANSIT operations and maintenance staff, security and railroad police, emergency responders, and the traveling public. The communication systems interface with fire-life safety systems, such as the fire alarm system. The design incorporated fiber optics and copper cable, data radio for the PTC system, two-way radio, wireless cellular services, network equipment and computers, telephone systems including blue light emergency telephones, and security systems that include closed caption television, access control systems, and intrusion detection systems.

The communication system also includes wireless voice and data communication capability for the traveling public to be built and paid for by third parties (e.g., commercial carriers). The systems also include the radio frequencies required to support Amtrak’s and NJ TRANSIT’s PTC systems.

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Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


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