Logo for Tectonic Engineering


Tectonic has deep roots in the design and construction of transportation projects serving transportation and public agencies throughout Metropolitan New York City, the Hudson Valley, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts, our capabilities include expertise in civil, transportation, environmental and regulatory permitting, structural and geotechnical engineering; surveying; and a complete package of construction management services that include contract administration, resident engineering, special inspections and third party materials testing.

  • Aviation Facilities
  • Bridges and Highways
  • Mass Transit Facilities
  • Ports and Harbors
  • Rail & Transit
  • Vehicular and Rail Tunnels


Special Inspection Feedback Form

Special Inspection Feedback Form


1 = Not reliable and 10 = Very reliable
1 = Not well and 10 = Extremely well
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Extremely Satisfied
1 = Not satisfied and 10 = Very satisfied


1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


(Please fill only if you answered "Yes" in the previous question)

Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


Your name
The company you're working with
A contact phone number if you would like to be contacted (In this format XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Feel free to express your views of TECTONIC service.

Enter your search criteria below: