Logo for Tectonic Engineering


Our world is rapidly changing, and we have the experience to help you navigate it.

For over 37 years Tectonic has innovated alongside our clients and pioneered key engineering and design solutions. And we continue this tradition today.

We bring decades of experience serving a wide range of markets, from federal and water resources to power and transportation. The long-term partnerships we form with our clients help us understand their goals and challenges now and anticipate them for the future.

Whether your next project will break new ground or old, Tectonic leverages technology to drive innovation, solving the most complex AEC industry challenges with a clear vision for tomorrow.

Special Inspection Feedback Form

Special Inspection Feedback Form


1 = Not reliable and 10 = Very reliable
1 = Not well and 10 = Extremely well
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Extremely Satisfied
1 = Not satisfied and 10 = Very satisfied


1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


(Please fill only if you answered "Yes" in the previous question)

Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


Your name
The company you're working with
A contact phone number if you would like to be contacted (In this format XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Feel free to express your views of TECTONIC service.

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