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Special Inspections & Materials Testing Term Agreement

Tectonic has been contracted on a 5-year term agreement to perform special inspections and materials testing for the New York Power Authority in support of their Economic Development and Energy Efficiency programs. The services provided under this contract support the Governor’s energy goals of reducing source consumptions by 20% in state owned facilities by 2020, via the implementation and construction of capital, operations and maintenance projects. Examples of such projects include the upgrade and replacement of existing facilities (ex: lighting upgrades, chiller replacement), redistribution of heat and power generation, water treatment, and installation of solar photovoltaic/thermal panels.

The types of facilities that NYPA typically services include, but are not limited to: colleges; correctional facilities; health care facilities; multifamily residential areas; offices; transportation; wastewater treatment plants; large area and outdoor services.

Work has been performed to date on the following facilities:

  • Bronx Community College Utility Upgrades
  • Queens College Submetering Project
  • Harlem Hospital HVAC Upgrades
  • NYC Health & Hospital Coler Boiler Plant Project
Special Inspection Feedback Form

Special Inspection Feedback Form


1 = Not reliable and 10 = Very reliable
1 = Not well and 10 = Extremely well
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Extremely Satisfied
1 = Not satisfied and 10 = Very satisfied


1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


(Please fill only if you answered "Yes" in the previous question)

Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


Your name
The company you're working with
A contact phone number if you would like to be contacted (In this format XXX-XXX-XXXX)
Feel free to express your views of TECTONIC service.

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