Young Life’s Lake Champion is a 370-acre year-round retreat center and camp located in the Catskill foothills and situated around a 50-acre lake. The summer population can exceed 500 guests and staff.
Tectonic has supported the location’s continued growth over many years by providing civil site planning and geotechnical engineering, survey (supporting both design and construction layout), construction inspection and materials testing, and environmental services for projects including:
Tectonic provided topographic surveys used as the basis for the site plans, utility designs, erosion control planning, stormwater management, circulation improvements, and landscaping. Final as-builts were also prepared upon completion of construction. Geotechnical investigations were performed to evaluate the conditions of the soil and included test borings, boring inspections, laboratory testing, geotechnical analyses and geotechnical reports providing recommendations for the design and construction of proposed foundations and structures. Permits included NYSDOH, NYSDEC (stream protection and SPDES), and Army Corps (JD and Nationwide). Additionally, Tectonic performed a freshwater wetlands/watercourse delineation and summarized the results in a report including data review, soils, vegetation, and hydrology observed at the site. Inspection and material testing services included foundations (cast-in-place concrete, pre-pour inspections, and reinforcement steel placement) and soils (backfill and compaction).
Potable water improvements leveraged both short-term fire suppression needs and capital expenditures to benefit the Center’s future growth, improve water quality, and increase system reliability.