Tectonic provided construction phase monitoring services as a subcontractor for the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge reconstruction project. Tectonic prepared and submitted a Monitoring Plan that was implemented during the potential vibration and displacement construction activities throughout the site. The plan identified proposed monitoring locations, means and methods for monitoring, reporting procedures and data reporting requirements. The purpose of the monitoring program was to reduce the likelihood of construction-induced damage to the adjacent structures and to detect early signs of displacement or structural distress.
Prior to the implementation of the monitoring plan, Tectonic performed pre-construction condition surveys along all of the adjacent structures within a 200-mile radius of the construction limits. Tectonic also performed numerous onsite monitoring services, which consisted of the installation and monitoring of several inclinometers, deep benchmarks, real-time vibration and tilt monitoring throughout the foundation excavation and construction. Tectonic prepared weekly data submittals and provided immediate notifications once any threshold levels were reached.