Tectonic provided multi-discipline services as a subconsultant to government contractor, Clark Nexsen, for the preliminary design, support and oversight of the design-build construction on the New York Animal Import Center (NYAIC) at Stewart International Airport. This 10,000 square foot, LEED-Silver Administration building is one of 2 air/ocean-borne animal import centers on the eastern seaboard that is operated by the U.S. Department of Agricultural Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (USDA-APHIS). The NYAIC was created as part of a multi-phased modernization plan to inspect and quarantine animals before their ultimate release and transfer to their final destination within the U.S.
Tectonic provided the following services:
Utilization of sand filters, pre-manufactured pretreatment units, and green technologies (stormwater planters and vegetate swales)
The information obtained from the pre-design phase and preliminary site and stormwater designs will be utilized by a design-build team in the final design and construction of the project.