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Upgrade of Route 17 to I-86 Exits 116-122

Tectonic provided construction inspection services for the $67M Stage I I-86 upgrade of Route 17 from Exit 116 to Exit 121 in Orange County as part of the NYSDOT’s plan to meet Interstate standards and convert the highway into the designated I-86. Additionally Tectonic is providing construction inspection services for the $72M Stage II reconstruction of Route 17 between Exits 121 and 122 in Wallkill, New York.

Stage I includes an 8.8 mile stretch of highway from Exit 116, at the border of Orange and Sullivan Counties, to Exit 121. The Route 17 mainline was milled and resurfaced, including a 3.6-mile section requiring full depth reconstruction and an interchange ramp. Six bridges along Route 17 underwent various repairs and upgrades as well, including the rehabilitation of the Scotchtown Road Bridge and the construction of a new bridge carrying Route 17 over a town road between I-84 and Route 211. Bridge work ranged from joint replacements and pier columns repair; removal of existing steel bridge railings and safety walks; installation of single slope concrete barrier with pedestrian fence; milling existing asphalt or concrete overlay from approach slabs and resurfacing; and replacement of backwalls, pedestals and bearings.

Stage II work includes reconstruction of Route 17 between Exits 121 and 122 and reconstruction/replacement of the Route 17 mainline east and westbound bridges over I-84.

For both Stages I & II, traffic management strategies were deployed such as construction phasing, lane closure restrictions and night work to lessen the impact of construction work on commuters.

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1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


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