South Orange – Maplewood Board of Education LSRP Services

Tectonic currently is the environmental consultant for the East Orange Board of Education, providing unbroken environmental consulting and compliance services since 2017.

Tectonic is a licensed Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring firm (ASCM) a Licensed Indoor Environmental Consultant (LIEC) and Certified Lead Evaluation Contractor, in addition to being a licensed environmental laboratory. Tectonic has an in-house Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRP), plus Class A&B Tank Operators and N.J. Professional Engineers.
Tectonic is the Licensed Site Remediation Professional for the District. Tectonic has multiple LSRPs. Tectonic is also the retained licensed Class A/B operator supporting the Certified Educational Facility Managers (CEFM) at the maintenance garage.

  • Tectonic is performing the monthly and annual inspections and testing for the tank at the maintenace garage.
  • The District has one (1) NJDEP-Regulated Underground Storage Tank (RUST) system that was damaged by flooding. Tectonic is the engineer of record for this tank’s pending closure via removal.
  • Tectonic closed one (1) prior RUST in the District, performing the LSRP-retention, filings, post-removal soil and ground water testing needed to generate a Remedial Action Report (RAR) and issue a Response Action Outcome (RAO) letter that closed the tank in 2018.
  • The site has an expansive plume of Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (HVOCs) under the West Parker Avenue location. Tectonic has performed:
    • a Preliminary Assessment (PA),
    • a Site Investigation (SI),
  • and is in the process of completing the Remedial Investigation (RI) for this contaminant in the ground water.
Special Inspection Feedback Form

Special Inspection Feedback Form


1 = Not reliable and 10 = Very reliable
1 = Not well and 10 = Extremely well
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Extremely Satisfied
1 = Not satisfied and 10 = Very satisfied


1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


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Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


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