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MTA / LIRR Project Management Consultant (PMC) Services for Hall Interlocking Expansion

Tectonic is providing multi-disciplinary Project Management Consultant (PMC) services to assist in administering and overseeing the Hall Interlocking Expansion Design-Build (DB) Project for MTA Construction & Development’s Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Business Unit through its Construction and Closeout Phases.

This project, part of the larger Jamaica Capacity Improvement (JCI) Phase II program, includes the design and construction of a new two-track rail-bridge and associated infrastructure in the middle of existing LIRR Hall Interlocking (just east of Jamaica Station.) This additional work includes construction of new retaining walls, state of good repair to existing bridge and tunnel structures, widening of an existing rail bridge, installation of new track / switches / power infrastructure, installation of two new cantilevered signal equipment platforms, and other utility work.

General responsibilities include:

  • Construction Oversight / Compliance
  • Design Oversight / Compliance
  • Environmental Compliance
  • Special Testing and Material Inspection
  • Quality Assurance
  • Safety Oversight
  • Cost & Schedule Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • Project Administration

New 150th Street / Track E2 & E3 Rail Bridge:

This new closed-deck double-track rail bridge will allow two (2) new track routes to access the center of Jamaica Station from the east, which will result in additional parallel routing capabilities and an increase in overall interlocking and station throughput capacity. In future stages of JCI Phase II, these connections will allow for streamlined routing into / out of the station for all three main branches that run through Jamaica (i.e., Montauk, Main Line, and Atlantic), eliminating many existing routing conflicts that are present with the current operation of the interlocking / station. The western approach to the bridge will utilize the area currently serving as E Yard (Tracks E2 and E3), and the eastern approach to the bridge will utilize a current greenfield area between existing East and West Layup Tracks.  The bridge will span over LIRR’s Atlantic Track #1 and NYCDOT’s 150th Street.

Atlantic Track #1 & #2 Retaining Walls:

As part of reconstructing the former E-Yard area to serve as the western approach to the new 150th St Bridge, existing retaining walls flanking the right-of-way in this area will be replaced with a prefabricated modular wall.  This new wall will be of higher elevation than the existing wall to account for the necessary raising of E-Yard’s grade to match the minimum height of the new 150th Street rail bridge. Replacement of these walls will require extensive support of excavation to protect Atlantic Tracks #1 & #2 and will also require select outages of those tracks.

Rail Bridge Infills at Guy R. Brewer Blvd.:

As part of the future realignment of Hall Interlocking in later stages of JCI Phase II (to connect the two new through tracks being built over the new 150th St Bridge), the full width of LIRR’s right-of-way at this critical juncture will need to be utilized for new positioning and alignment of Main Line and Montauk Branch through tracks. This location currently does not permit any track realignments to the north or south due to the spatial restrictions imposed by the Guy R. Brewer Blvd. bridge, which is comprised of three separate parallel bridge deck structures with deck gaps present between each of the bridge decks. As such, this project will construct new structural bridge infills between the three existing bridge decks in staged weekend outage periods.

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