Tectonic was referred to the Springfield Board of Education to assist their district with resolving a problematic regulated tank grave. The location had been under remediation since 1991. No less than seven (7) different firms working across a span of twenty-five (25) years were unable to close this remediation under conventional oversight by the NJDEP.
Tectonic’s Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) reviewed the case file, and the intended remedy to leave residual contamination in place. Tectonic completed a Remedial Alternatives Analysis (RAA) and evaluated the costs and timing of differing potential approaches and end-points. Tectonic then performed a Subsurface Geophysical Survey (SSG) to clear boring locations; followed by a limited and strategic Geoprobe boring program (including soil and ground water testing, plus geotechnical and structural analyses). Tectonic defined the horizontal and vertical limits of the recalcitrant impacts, utilizing a Photo Ionization Detector (PID) in the field and chemical analyses at a laboratory that ground-truthed the conditions and verified Tectonic’s review findings (completing their Remedial Investigation (RI) Phase). The anticipated end-point of a Cap (an Engineering Control) with a Deed Notice (an Institutional Control) and a NJDEP Remedial Action Permit (RAP) in perpetuity was avoided – Tectonic engineered an excavation and utilities protection effort that closed the case without any restrictions or encumbrances. Tectonic ended the NJDEP’s oversight of the school.