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Hudson Yards Development

Tectonic has been awarded and is currently providing special inspections, construction phase geotechnical engineering and surveying services for the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project on the West Side of Manhattan. At full build-out, the mixed use development will include 16 high rise buildings containing more than 12,700,000 sf to accommodate residential, commercial and retail development. A platform will be constructed over the MTA Long Island Railroad (LIRR) West Side Storage Yard to accommodate the 16 buildings and infrastructure.

The plaza will encompass 14 acres of new public open space and parks which is half of the entire Hudson Yards site.  It will have easy access to the High Line and will host events at the Culture Shed and Public Square.  The Hudson Yards site is expected to receive over 24 million visitors each year.

Projects include:

  • Tower A at 30 Hudson Yards and Retail Podium is a 90-story, 2,600,000 gsf commercial office tower and 7-story retail podium which will house shops and restaurants on multiple floors.
  • Tower C – 10 Hudson Yards and Terra Firma is a 52-story, 1,800,000 gsf commercial office building consisting of office space, retail, parking and loading areas, building services, and future non-retail space.
  • Tower D Foundation – 15 Hudson Yards is a 70-story, 960,000 gsf residential tower anchoring the southwest corner of the Eastern Rail Yard.
  • Tower E – 35 Hudson Yards is a 70-story, mixed-used tower which will contain a hotel, residential, retail and office space.
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