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Haverstraw Redevelopment Utilities & Stormwater Management

The Harbors at Haverstraw, a 544-unit residential building, is part of the waterfront brownfield redevelopment project along the Hudson River in the Village of Haverstraw. As part of the Harbors Project, the Joint Regional Sewer Board of Haverstraw (JRSB) required that GDC commit to upgrade the existing JRSB Dr. Girling Drive Sanitary Sewer Duplex Pump Station. JRSB sought capacity to handle future flows and the elimination of sub-standard pumping capacity when one pump was offline.

Tectonic advanced the design of the Girling Pump Station Upgrade in preparation for bidding, and assisted GDC with the bidding process. The design was approved by the JRSB and Rockland County Department of Health. The design included replacement of two dry pit mount pumps with larger 110 hp dry pit mount, new generator, controls and electrical service. Tectonic provided engineering construction support through the completion of construction and start up.

The design required careful consideration of bypass sequence and facilities to maintain operation of the existing pump station building and facilities during construction and startup of the upgrade.

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Service Evaluation

Service Evaluation


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