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Harbors at Haverstraw

The Harbors at Haverstraw, a 542-unit residential community, is a successful redevelopment of a former brownfield site on the Hudson River. Tectonic has been working with Ginsburg Development Companies (GDC) since the initial planning phases of the Haverstraw Waterfront Redevelopment. Tectonic completed site development plans and preliminary civil engineering services including locations of buildings, parking, drives, utilities, stormwater management facilities and site grading. Additional engineering services included:

  • Assisting in the draft of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process, providing civil engineering and environmental services.
  • Preparation of Stormwater Management Report in accordance with DEC standards.
  • Analysis of adequacy of water and sewer systems, projected usage, and necessary improvements, including the preparation of Water System and Sewer System Reports as well as assisting with Rockland County approval.
  • Upgrade of existing sanitary sewer pump station.
  • Erosion and sediment control plans.
  • Multiple Site Plan Amendments as development evolves.
  • Consulting for Post-Superstorm-Sandy FEMA Advisory Base Flood Elevation (ABFE) designation and map revisions.
  • Construction support services.

The Harbors is part of a larger waterfront redevelopment that provides multi-family housing with a connection to the Metro-North commuter rail via Ferry. Future phases will connect a 1.5-mile riverfront promenade to Haverstraw’s Main Street area. The residential community includes two pools, a fitness center, basketball court and clubhouse.

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