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Freshkills Landfill Owl Hollow Fields

Formerly the world’s largest landfill, Freshkills was transformed into today’s Freshkills Park, the largest park developed in New York City in over 100 years.  In addition to providing a park with a wide range of recreational opportunities, including Owl Hollow Fields, the park’s design, environmental restoration and educational programming accentuate sustainability and a transformed public awareness regarding human impact on the earth.  As part of the reconstruction, Owl Hollow Fields includes four synthetic turf soccer fields and LEED gold-certified facilities.

Tectonic was selected as the NYSDEC Independent Environmental Monitor for the remedial capping of an 11 acre PCB and solid waste contaminated site, which is regulated under NYSDEC 6 NYCRR Part 360 regulations. Tectonic’s responsibilities included overseeing the remedial removal of PCB contaminated soil hotspots, monitoring soil excavations and fill placement activities, preparing reports summarizing site monitoring activities for submittal to the NYSDEC and providing public education.

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