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East Side Access Concourse & Facilities Fit-Out

Tectonic provided environmental compliance, special inspections and materials testing services for construction of the first phase of Grand Central Terminal Concourse & Facilities Fit-Out. At an estimated cost of $47M, CM014A involved the fit-out of the lower portion of the new LIRR concourse located in the lower level of Grand Central Terminal, construction of south sub-station facility, fit-out of shaft #2, electrical installation for north substation and US-3/US-4 unit substations, construction and fit-out of Terminal Management Center (TMC) and construction of certain rooms adjacent to the south substation and TMC.

Scope of work included:

  • Subway roof closure work and modifications to the existing air tunnel.
  • Slab on grade concrete placement
  • CMU wall, door frame and concrete header construction.
  • MV transformers and unit substation components.
  • Air handling units.
  • Work on 43rd Street garage to prepare for electrical service work.
  • Demolition of vibration walls.
  • Modifications to the existing air tunnel.
  • Excavation for the sub-grade MEP utility ductbanks, manholes and hand holes.
  • Installation of sub-grade utility structures, including sediment manholes, sanitary drainage piping and ductbanks.
  • Waterproofing, formwork, rebar installation and concrete placement for column footings, ductbanks and structures (air tunnel, sewage ejector pit).
  • Removal of excavation/demolition materials.


CM014B included the construction of the future 370,000 sq. ft. LIRR Concourse at Grand Central Terminal. The $100M+ contract involved structural, mechanical and electrical fit-out of the Concourse and existing 44th Street and 50th Street Ventilation Facilities, construction of internal connections form the LIRR Concourse to Grand Central Terminal, excavation and structural lining of the 48th Street Entrance, etc.

As sub-consultant to Yonkers Contracting, Tectonic provided environmental engineering services as required by the project specifications calling for the proper identification and classification of types of wastes being generated and how the different types of waste are to be managed. Tectonic evaluated the analytical data and prepared reports with recommendations for management of excavated spoils and requirements for off-site disposal. Work included development of a Field Sampling Plan (FSP), development of laboratory testing program to characterize the onsite stockpiled soils, obtaining field samples for laboratory testing including field screening with a photo ionization detector (PID) to check for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and preparation of a final report to document results of investigation.

Special inspections and materials testing responsibilities included technical oversight of construction, and QA/QC materials testing of concrete, shotcrete, structural steel, masonry, utility relocations, liner and interior structures, electrical and mechanical systems, decking, etc. Compaction testing and back fill placement included gradation analysis, Atterberg limits, density, and moisture content. Other duties included preparation of daily, weekly and monthly inspection reports, attendance at progress meetings and liaison with MTA.

Special Inspection Feedback Form

Special Inspection Feedback Form


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1 = Not well and 10 = Extremely well
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Extremely Satisfied
1 = Not satisfied and 10 = Very satisfied


1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied
1 = Not Satisfied and 10 = Very Satisfied


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