Clean Path New York Northern Converter Station

Tectonic completed a geotechnical investigation and engineering evaluation for the proposed new electrical converter station located on West Platner Brook Road, in the Town of Delhi, Delaware County, New York. The proposed construction will primarily consist of electrical transmission equipment supported on concrete pads.

The subsurface investigation consisted of the drilling, sampling and logging of thirteen (13) test borings, four (4) offset borings, and four (4) probes. Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) using a split spoon sampler was conducted in all borings, but not in the probes. Preliminary infiltration tests were performed in general accordance with the requirements outlined in the New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual, Appendix D (SWDM). The infiltration tests were performed at a depth of approximately 60 inches bgs. Soil resistivity testing was also performed at the site. The testing was performed in general conformance with ASTM Standard G57 and consisted of the performance of two (2) Wenner arrays, performed approximately perpendicular to each other.

All drilling, sampling, and logging of the borings, infiltration testing, and soil resistivity testing were performed under the full-time observation of a Tectonic representative working under the supervision of a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of New York. The Tectonic representative classified and collected soil samples for laboratory testing at the boring locations as they were recovered, and prepared logs of the soil and groundwater conditions encountered. The soils were classified in accordance with the latest edition of the New York State Building Code (Code), the Burmister Soil Classification System, and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) (ASTM D2488).
Geotechnical engineering analyses of the subsurface conditions as they relate to the design and construction for new electrical converter station was performed. A geotechnical report presenting the results of the subsurface investigation, engineering analyses, and our geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed converter station was presented to the client.

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