Tectonic was chosen to perform a Preliminary Assessment (PA) for the abandoned City of Jersey City’s Reservoir #3 property as a precursor to the reservoir’s renovation into a public park. What began as a routine All Appropriate Inquiry for Green Acres funding was recognized to be a contaminated site that was in Compulsory Direct Oversight (CDO) (N.J.A.C. 7:26C-14.2). The site-specific PA was consistent with the NJDEP’s 2018 guidance, current NJDEP Rule requirements, and includes our completing a companion NJDEP Green Acres Checklist.
Since the site had multiple prior environmental site assessments, Tectonic specifically was directed to determine whether contaminants are or were present at a site or have migrated or are migrating from a site, and thus whether additional remediation is necessary at a site due to the presence of any potentially contaminated Areas of Concern (AOC). Tasks included multiple site visits, records research, interviews, evaluation & integration of prior assessment reports, site verification with photographs, liaison between the City and State, and completion of the Green Acres Report. The completion of a final report included detailing AOCs which consisted of site location on a USGS topographic map with lot and block numbers, property and leasehold boundaries, site layout with current and historic structures, fills of areas of Mapped, Regional Historic Fill (MRHF), paved and unpaved areas, vegetated and unvegetated areas, active and inactive wells, and available scaled historical site plans and facility as-built construction drawings.
After Preliminary Assessment completion, Tectonic integrated prior environmental site assessments with historical sampling data to initiate a Remedial Investigation Workplan (RIW) and ecological risk assessments of several AOCs. Tectonic sought to determine the nature, extent, and severity of all discharges of contaminants and document the full contaminants’ concentrations limits. Tectonic has already completed a remedial investigation phase for one of the AOCs which enabled the issuance of a Response Action Outcome (RAO) for this AOC. The remedial investigation activities are ongoing for the remaining AOCs. Tectonic is addressing significant ecological issues, and Division of Land Use regulation (DLUR) applicability issues.
The ultimate remedies must address all the stakeholders and NGOs who have a particular interest in this location being converted to a historically significant recreational and conservation location.