Tectonic provided construction inspection, materials testing and construction phase geotechnical engineering services for the Amtrak Tunnel Casing at the Hudson Yards Development project on the west side of Manhattan. The Amtrak Tunnel Casing which, will be located within the LIRR Storage Yard, is being constructed in advance of the main gateway project to ensure access to this area prior to construction of the main platform that will cover over the West Side Storage Yard to accommodate the build out of Hudson Yards.
Tectonic provided geotechnical engineering and special inspection services associated with the rock anchor tied back secant pile walls and the cut and cover box tunnel for the Amtrak Casing as well as for the future buildings. Special inspections included Concrete Testing for Foundation & Superstructure, Dynamic & Static MOE Testing, Shrinkage Testing, Mass Concrete Monitoring, Filigree inspections, Structural Steel Welding & Bolting, SOE Inspections, Post Tensioning, Reinforced Masonry, Fireproofing and Firestopping.
Responsibilities included resident engineering for technical oversight of geotechnical construction work, contract administration, technical inspections, QA/QC on-site field testing of materials, field measurement and collection of data for contractor payments, coordination of contractors scheduling, attendance at on-site progress meetings, coordinating with outside involved agencies, assist with preparation of RFI’s, preparation of daily inspection reports and monthly progress reports, record keeping and as-built plan preparation.
At full build-out, the mixed-use development will include 16 high rise buildings containing more than 12.7 million SF to accommodate residential, commercial and retail development. A platform will be constructed over MTA Long Island Railroad (LIRR) West Side Storage Yard to accommodate the buildings and infrastructure.