Montvale Substation – New Switchgear Project

To improve distribution grid resiliency during severe weather and peak electrical demand, new Switchgear was proposed at the Montvale Substation in Bergen County, New Jersey.

The surrounding distribution network was then reconfigured through the switchgear to increase the number of circuits available to the community. Tectonic managed the project’s associated survey, environmental documentation, subsurface investigation, deep foundation design, engineering plan development, and permitting.

To assess potential project-related impacts on regulated wetlands, Tectonic performed a formal wetland delineation on streams, culverts, and other wetlands within the proposed vicinity of the project to determine what, if any, regulated activities would occur in association with the project.

Tectonic advised ORU of local, state, and federal regulations, and made permit recommendations based on our findings. Consulting was also provided on the proposed NJDEP Inland Watercourse regulations and their potential impact to the project’s permit path.

Permits processed included NJDEP Land Use Regulation (Freshwater Wetlands), Soil Conservation District, Municipal (Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Major Soil Movement Permit), and County Planning Board waiver.

Engineering consisted of multiple distinct tasks at various stages of the project development. Such tasks included: survey mapping of the property, subsurface investigation within the substation perimeter, deep foundation design to support the required loading and settlement criteria, soil erosion and sediment control plans, landscaping plans, zoning analysis, municipal application technical support, professional testimony, interstate pipeline no-impact coordination, and construction documents.

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